TOEIC Score: 750 (November/2005)

Daniela Claro is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Bahia. She held a degree in Computer Science from Salvador University (1998) and obtained her Master's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2000) and her Ph.D. in Computer Science - Universite d'Angers / France (2006). In 2009, she founded the FORMAS - Formalisms and Semantic Applications Research Group at CNPQ and since then she is the leader of this group, promoting research in the area of Semantic Analysis in Texts, Clouds, and Devices. Specifically, she is working on Cloud Computing solutions on Semantic and Pragmatic Data Interoperability problems and in Text Mining area particularly on the Open Information Extraction, dealing with multi-lingual and multi-domain solutions.Daniela is a member of a Graduate Program, supervising Ph.D. and Master students on Database research line.She has approved several research projects in these areas, with funding from CNPQ and FAPESB. Currently, her main areas of interest are: Semantic Web, Semantic Interoperability and Pragmatics in Cloud Computing, Open Information Extraction, Semantic Interoperability among Devices and Data Mining applied to specific domains.


Over 13 research projects as coordinator/member
Over 10 referee of scientific journals
Over 8 articles published in scientific journals
Over 64 papers in conference proceedings
Over 10 Master’s thesis advisory
Over 49 works of undergraduate completion
Over 10 years of experience as System Developer and Teaching in Web Technology, primarly in Java/JSP and XML.
Over 4 years of experience as System Developer, primarily in the Delphi environment.
Very strong in distributed systems including Java, CORBA and DCOM. Has extensive experience with:
Web service applications; Internet application using JSP, Java; Delphi development ; Object Oriented Database ; DB2 and Oracle environments including Object-relational features; CORBA development and environment; Java development Agents Tecnologies; Sql Server/Oracle/DB2/MySQL administration and environment ; Natural and Cobol development

Doctorate's Degree in Computer Science (Ph.D.) - Universite d'Angers/France- (Oct, 2006)
Master's Degree in Computer Science - UFSC (Santa Catarina/Brazil) - (Set, 2000)
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science - Unifacs (Bahia/Brazil) - (Dez,1998)

Operational Systems: UNIX (LINUX), Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 9x.
Software: Apache Web Server, Jakarta Tomcat, JCreator, HomeSite, DreamWeaver, Borland JBuilder, Sun Java2, SQL, SQL3, OQL, Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, TCP/IP, Borland Visibroker, Aglets, Voyager.
Language : JAVA ,JSP, PHP,Delphi, HTML, Pascal
Applications : Distributing , Internet/Intranet Systems, Client/Server and Business systems.


Nov 2006 - now on
UFBA -Federal university of Bahia - Salvador - Bahia - Brazil

    Database area (Graduate Program - PhD and Master)
    Database course (Undergraduation)
Four Ph.d Students under my supervision
Five Master Students under my supervision

Fev 2003 - Set 2003
UDESC- Santa Catarina State University - Joinville, Santa Catarina - Brazil

Software Engeneer discipline
2. Database advanced discipline
3. Programmer Language - Java
Deep understand in Web Technology

. Orientation Pos Graduation Rapport: ERP Systems integration using web services composition- Lara LINS & Clarissa BRETONES, 2005
. Orientation on Graduation Rapport: Portable tecnologies to aide on medical diagnostics - Marcus Rehm, 2005
. Orientation on Graduation Rapport: Web Services Security- Jo�o LUNA, 2005

. Orientation on Graduation Rapport: Integrating ERP Applications using Web Services- Rebeca SCHOERDER, 2004
. Orientation on Graduation Rapport: Administration and Management of Triathlon Competitions- Fernando LAUDADES, 2004
. Orientation Extension Project: SAGEPP (Generate Automaticaly Web Pages for Teachers) - Vivian CREMER, 2003
. Orientation on Graduation Rapport: Tecnical for Object Persistency - A survey of Prevayler - Fabricio NAUE, 2003
. Orientation on Graduation Rapport: Integrate Appications ERP using XML - Wander HORONGOSO, 2003

. Orientation on Graduation Rapport: Web Services and XML: a new paradigm of Distributing Computing- Aleksander BECKER , 2001
. Orientation on Graduation Rapport: Databases New Technologies- Ana Ruth SILVA & Fabio NASCIMENTO, 2000

Fev 2003 - Set 2003
UNIVALI- University of Vale do Itajai - Itajai, Santa Catarina - Brazil

Programmation Special Topics - Java

Fev 2000 - Jan 2003
Softplan Planejamento e Sistemas Ltda / Poligraph - Florian�polis, Santa Catarina - Brazil

Softplan is a high-tech judicial development company. Current products include SAJ solutions automate tribunals in many states in Brazil. Nowadays, the quickness of Judicial area in Brazil go through Softplan products.
1. Responsible for Internet applications
2. Work developing activities for Internet SAJ products, using JSP/Java
Implants and configures environment for Web products
4. Deep understand in Web Technology
5. Customer support activities for SAJ products, especially PGJ.
6. Work developing applications in 3-tier architecture, using Microsoft product (DCOM).
7. Deep understand in Borland Delphi
8. Deep understand of system analyzes.
9. Deep understand of distributed system, especially in CORBA.
10. Database management and scripting code.
11. Research activities, as well as project and product management.

Environment: Softplan products: Consultas Web(support, deployment, patching and all related activities), SAJ - PGJ (support, deployment, patching and all related activities), Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 9x , ORACLE 7.3.4, 8.1.5, 8.1.6, Symantec PcAnyware 8.0 and 9.0, DB2 5 and 7, Jakarta Tomcat 4.0, JDK 4, Apache Web Server x.x.21, Java 2 EE.

Aug 1998 - Mar 1999
Ministerio Publico do Estado da Bahia.
(Contractor through Unitech Tecnologia Ltda) - Salvador/BA - Brazil

1. Contact with product development and research activities, as well as project and product management.
2. As Database Administrator was responsible for SQL Server 6.5 management.
3. As a System Analyst, I was involved in the development of a Payroll System using Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0/5.0 and coordinated a 5 programmer's team.
4. Delphi development of a computer management system controlling machines, Hard disks, memories all include in public patrimony. Moreover, analyzed and developed a money correction system, that upgrade the money value retroactive.
5. Teach a Basic Delphi 3.0 course for the programmer's team.

Environment: Delphi, SQL, Microsoft NT 4.0, Windows for Workgroups, Visual Basic 4.0/5.0, SQL Server 6.5.

Apr 1997 - Aug 1998
Fotomapa Engenharia e Planejamento Ltda - Salvador/BA - Brazil

1. As a Programmer, I was involved in the development of a Tribute Management System using Borland Delphi 2.0/3.0
2. Business homepage development using HTML.
3. Analyzes and develops of a rent computer system using Delphi 3.0.
4. Code analyzes in Cobol.

Environment: Delphi, SQL, Microsoft NT 4.0, SQL Server 6.5, Cobol.